Will the hydro lines be buried?

    Currently, hydro is not anticipated to be buried. Adjustments have been made to avoid conflicts with proposed curb and some hydro is being abandoned and removed (hydro previously running up the bluff opposite Tower Heights has been removed) – in an effort to minimize project costs the Municipality has not directed ERTH to bury the hydro and would leave the infrastructure to their discretion. The current hydro alignment represents the permanent hydro alignment and no further work is anticipated at this time.

    Will fire hydrants be added?

    Yes, two additional hydrants are proposed as part of this project to ensure we meet our Municipal requirements for fire hydrant coverage (150m max. hydrant to hydrant).

    Will Rogers/Bell have the opportunity to bury lines (instead of stringing them up through trees, over hydro poles & around fences)?

    Bell and Rogers have both undertaken pedestal relocations to avoid proposed infrastructure – the Municipality has not directed Bell and Rogers to bury their infrastructure as this will add additional project costs for the Municipality for private infrastructure. Relocation work has been completed at this time. The Municipality would encourage Customers to contact Bell / Rogers with respect to lines not buried on private property.

    Home owners enjoy their view - it so no one wants parking spaces interfering with their view of the lake. Most homeowners have parking at the rear of their property, and encouraging sightseers to park - I hope is not the goal?

    Agreed, all homes along Front Street have appropriate parking and currently the south side of the street is no parking, a parking “bay” is proposed where the Municipal right-of-way allows for roughly 5 vehicles – signage is yet to be determined but would not be for long term parking and simply serve as guest parking. Removing the parking bay and roadway signage will ultimately be at Council’s direction.

    Sidewalks would be wonderful - or a walk/bike lane - there is a lot of walking traffic and safety is always a concern.

    Due to the constrained right-of-way, a sidewalk was not able to be accommodated with this project. We’ve achieved our minimum roadway width (6.0m) with the purchase of two small pieces of private property. Any additional infrastructure will require land acquisition along the entire street. We can review signage at the end of the project and with Council’s approval may be able to drop speed limits to ensure safety for those walking and cycling.