What is the cost of this project?

    As part of the detailed design of the project, the Municipality has asked MTE Consultant’s to prepare a high level cost estimate based on similar contracted work. MTE estimates this project will cost $215,000 but ultimately will be decided by public bids received with final approval from Council.

    What is the exact location?

    The stairs will be located between 193 and 195 Prospect Street connecting Prospect Street to Edward Street.


    Will there be any discussion of alternative routes?

    Council provided direction at a Regular Meeting of Council held January 9, 2023 to “direct staff to retain a Consultant to complete engineering design of the stairs with funding from the Working Capital Reserve. AND THAT the design of the stairs be presented to Council and subsequently the public for review and comment.”

    Subsequent to the above, staff have received comments regarding Currie Boulevard. The Municipality of Central Elgin’s Official Plan designates Currie Boulevard as an “Urban Collector” roadway as it functions as the only link between Orchard Beach and Port Stanley and as such, should consider other forms of transportation (i.e. sidewalk, multi-use pathway, bike lanes, etc.). Due to the challenging topography, constrained right-of-way and sole roadway leading to the resident’s of Orchard Beach, plans to reconstruct Currie Boulevard have not been undertaken previously due to cost. Council has not given direction with respect to the reconstruction of Currie Boulevard at this time.

    Direction has been provided for a set of stairs to be considered at this specific location only. Other projects will be considered separate from this project.